Abandonment Solutions

Rock Solid introduces our newly designed and patented Abandonment Solutions Trailer (AS Trailer) used to provide a one-stop-shop for downhole abandonment in Alberta and more. Additionally, the trailers were engineered/designed to promote T-Rock CT Services small body job units to increase utilization. Since then we have realized the value created to customers by providing large cost savings on abandonments which only have a negative return on investment (ROI).

T-Rock CT Services Ltd has the ability to work for all government abandonment programs: Orphan Wells Association – all provinces, Alberta Site Rehabilitation Program, Saskatchewan Accelerated Site Closure Program and British Columbia Dormant Sites Reclamation Program.

Finally, The ABANDONMENT TRAILERS were originally designed to offer a cost-saving alternative to abandoning wells for producers and increase T-Rock’s small CTU utilization. Additionally, the trailers offer an effective alternative to abandoning wells that would otherwise require a service rig or wireline unit. This approach eliminates the need for cementers, fluid haulers (on small cement batch applications), and tool hands-on sites.

Tools & Services

The Abandonment Trailers are run in unison with a coiled tubing unit (CTU) and provide the following tools and services:

  • Two Hydraulically ran Mixing Barrels (300L volume per barrel)

  • PCP pump to: o spot cement in coiled tubing string (if using cement spotting tool)

    • Forward circulate cement if batching larger volumes (up to 1 m3)

    • Pressure test bridge plugs (for shallow wells)

    • Reverse circulate to clean lines

  • Downhole Tool package – Ranges from 4.5”-7”

    • Casing Scraper o J’Latch Packer

    • Casing Collar Locator

    • Cement Spotting Tool (Figure 4)

    • Baker 110/120 Hydraulic Setting Tool

    • Shear Sub and Connector

    • Coil Connector

    • Associated redress kits

  • 1m3 (6.3 BBL) Water Storage Tank

  • Bulk Sales on Cement and Bridge Plugs

  • Varsol Bin to clean tools

  • Vice to rebuild/redress tools

  • Pressure Washer to clean trailer

  • General tool shelf

The AS Trailers utilize the auxiliary hydraulic systems on a coil tubing unit to operate its two 300L hydraulic mixing barrels (used for blending cement) and the Progressive Cavity Pump (used for spotting cement into the coil, pressure testing shallow wells, or forward circulating cement by tying into the side iron).

Following that, when mixing the pre-determined cement volume, the operator will measure and then fill the mixing barrel with water and batch in the selected class of cement. Then, the hydraulic motor head will drive (spin) the mixing barrel paddles, blending the cement.

After a densimeter has tested the cement to ensure the cement quality, the cement is fed into a trough system which feeds the Progressive Cavity Pump (PCP). Finally, the PCP is capable of pumping up to 150L/min and pushing the cement into the coil string which is now ready to RIH and spot the cement on top of the bridge plug.

Patented Technology

Cost Efficient Alternative Solution to Downhole Abandonments